$250M As­traZeneca spin­off preps leap in­to 3-way bat­tle with ti­tans for a rare dis­ease mar­ket that spans the globe

Just a lit­tle more than a year since Bing Yao made the leap from As­traZeneca to his own start­up — with $250 mil­lion of sup­port from Chi­nese in­vestors and 6 drugs plucked from the Big Phar­ma’s pipeline — the new­ly coined biotech CEO is rolling out pos­i­tive piv­otal da­ta and a quick pitch to the FDA.

Viela CEO Yao tells me that their an­ti-CD-19 an­ti­body inebi­lizum­ab scored clear­ly promis­ing da­ta in their key tri­al for pa­tients with neu­romyelitis op­ti­ca spec­trum dis­or­der, a rare dis­ease that can cause pain and blind­ness.

“There are no on-la­bel drugs,” says Yao. “It’s re­al­ly a ter­ri­ble dis­ease.”

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