3 years af­ter the FDA forced Chi­as­ma back in­to PhI­II, they’re back with pos­i­tive da­ta — but now they have a ri­val

Three long years af­ter Chi­as­ma $CHMA was barred at the front gate of the FDA and forced back to the clin­ic to do a new, con­trolled Phase III study of its acromegaly drug oc­treotide, they’ve got a p-val­ue to take to reg­u­la­tors.

And this time it may stick — though the com­pet­i­tive scene has changed since Chi­as­ma’s reg­u­la­to­ry woes hit. Their da­ta — while pos­i­tive — are a lit­tle worse this time, which ri­val Cri­net­ics $CRNX will now try to use against them.

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