7 things you need to know now about rais­ing biotech cash in Chi­na (Part 1)

As biotechs young and old rush to Shang­hai, Hong Kong, and Bei­jing in hopes of tap­ping flush VC funds, sev­er­al US com­pa­nies are learn­ing the process isn’t as straight­for­ward as they first thought.

Here at End­points News, we spent the last few months ask­ing around to learn what com­mon ob­sta­cles are tied with fundrais­ing in Chi­na, and what biotech ex­ecs should know be­fore div­ing in. We polled Chi­na-based VCs, ex­ec­u­tives who have closed rounds from Chi­nese in­vestors, US-based in­vestors who’ve been in syn­di­cates with Chi­nese in­vestors, and sev­er­al oth­er ex­perts in the field. Their col­lec­tive an­swers make up this piece — part one of a two-part End­points se­ries on fundrais­ing in Chi­na.

In part two to­mor­row, we’ll ad­dress the mas­sive in­flux of biotech cash stream­ing from the East to the West and give you back­ground and in­sight on the in­di­vid­ual VC part­ners in Chi­na who are mak­ing a transpa­cif­ic splash. These are peo­ple who should be on your radar.

But be­fore book­ing a flight for your fundrais­ing tour of the con­ti­nent, here’s some ad­vice from in­sid­ers:

Endpoints News

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