Japan­ese bil­lion­aire Hi­roshi Mik­i­tani bankrolls As­pyr­i­an with a $150M mega-round, back­ing a glob­al roll­out plan for PhI­II can­cer ther­a­py

Among the world’s bil­lion­aires, Hi­roshi Mik­i­tani is one of the most promi­nent en­thu­si­asts. Start­ing with 6 staffers and a small sum of cash, he turned Rakuten in­to an on­line pow­er­house in Japan that is ranked among the world’s top e-tail­ers. An icon­o­clast in an econ­o­my dom­i­nat­ed by tra­di­tion­al­ists, he’s man­dat­ed that every­one in his com­pa­ny learn and speak Eng­lish as their first lan­guage. His re­cent ven­tures in­clude a part­ner­ship with Wal­mart for an on­line su­per­mar­ket in Japan. 

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