While Jiankui He gets all the at­ten­tion, don’t over­look the gi­ant step that Ed­i­tas is tak­ing to­day on the CRISPR front

As health of­fi­cials the world over — and es­pe­cial­ly in Chi­na — breathe fire over Jiankui He’s ap­par­ent­ly cred­i­ble claims that he skat­ed clear of reg­u­la­tors and ge­net­i­cal­ly al­tered the em­bryos of two new­borns to guard them against HIV, Ed­i­tas $ED­IT to­day is cel­e­brat­ing a crit­i­cal mile­stone in the long, hard jour­ney to launch­ing its first hu­man tri­al with ma­jor im­pli­ca­tions for the CRISPR field.

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