Go­ing gang­busters: The top 20 biotech plat­form deals by up­front cash

For­tu­nate­ly, right at the time Re­gen­eron and Al­ny­lam were get­ting ready to break the news about their bil­lion-dol­lar part­ner­ship, Chris Doko­ma­ji­lar at Deal­For­ma was work­ing up a top-20 list of plat­form deals from the last decade.

With $800 mil­lion for the up­front and eq­ui­ty, the new deal lands right at the num­ber 2 spot for the in­dus­try, high­light­ing just how un­usu­al this pact is for such an ear­ly-stage al­liance. It’s al­so Re­gen­eron’s first big turn as the buy­er.

Drug de­vel­op­ers have been mov­ing up­stream more and more, and along wth a burst of M&A we’re al­so see­ing the ear­ly, ear­ly deals go­ing gang­busters, as Doko­ma­ji­lar notes in his as­sess­ment of the cur­rent trends:

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