J&J pol­ish­es up its new list of late-stage block­buster can­di­dates — and can­cer re­mains big

J&J’s R&D group at Janssen has al­ways kept its eyes on the block­buster prize with a reg­u­lar look at its top prospects in the pipeline. Now — af­ter some fail­ures and ap­provals — it’s of­fered up its lat­est ros­ter of 10 top can­di­dates for $1 bil­lion-plus in rev­enue with po­ten­tial ap­provals through the next 4 years. And there are some new drugs mixed in with some old fa­vorites.

In a day-long busi­ness re­view on Wednes­day, R&D chief Math­ai Mam­men spot­light­ed these 10 drugs as their most promis­ing pro­grams

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