Ped­al to the met­al, Am­gen fi­nal­ly has a hot new drug star on its hands — and they have some news

Once you’ve got some buzz go­ing for a po­ten­tial break­through drug, it doesn’t take much more than a hint of progress to get the in­dus­try spot­light to swiv­el back in your di­rec­tion.

For Am­gen $AMGN, where that kind of R&D ex­cite­ment has been a long time com­ing, their mo­ment ar­rived Tues­day evening, when the phar­ma gi­ant not­ed that they had reg­is­tered widen­ing re­spons­es for their KRAS drug AMG510, adding tu­mor re­spons­es in col­orec­tal and ap­pen­diceal can­cer pa­tients af­ter re­port­ing a 50% re­sponse rate among a tiny group of non-small cell lung can­cer groups at AS­CO.

“We have com­plet­ed en­roll­ment in our monother­a­py ex­pan­sion co­hort and are al­so now en­rolling non-small cell lung can­cer pa­tients in the PD-1 com­bi­na­tion arm,” added R&D chief David Reese in their call with an­a­lysts.

There’s more. From Reese:

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