Mark Schoenebaum (Twitter)

‘Ab­solute stand­out’ bio­phar­ma an­a­lyst Mark Schoenebaum has died

Mark Schoenebaum, one of the best known and most liked biotech an­a­lysts in the busi­ness, died over the week­end.

Umer Raf­fat, who was men­tored by Schoenebaum and stepped in­to his role at Ever­core ISI, put out the word on Sun­day, not­ing:

We’ve all looked up to him as the very best eq­ui­ty re­search an­a­lyst there has ever been on Wall Street.  But that was on­ly part of who he was: he was an ab­solute stand­out in­di­vid­ual who touched so many lives, and whose strength of char­ac­ter showed in his sheer hu­mil­i­ty de­spite his ab­solute­ly un­prece­dent­ed suc­cess.

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