Brett Giroir, HHS

Azar keen on nom­i­nat­ing Brett Giroir, di­vi­sive as­sis­tant HHS sec­re­tary, to top job at FDA — re­port

HHS sec­re­tary Alex Azar re­port­ed­ly has his eye on nom­i­nat­ing Brett Giroir — con­tro­ver­sial­ly con­firmed as as­sis­tant sec­re­tary of HHS last year — to head the FDA as judg­ment day on Ned Sharp­less’ term as act­ing com­mis­sion­er looms.

Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump must make a de­ci­sion about the com­mis­sion­er of food and drugs by No­vem­ber 1, as man­dat­ed by the Fed­er­al Va­can­cies Re­form Act of 1998  that en­ti­tles a Sen­ate-con­firmed po­si­tion to be filled in an act­ing ca­pac­i­ty for a max­i­mum of 210 days, af­ter the po­si­tion is va­cat­ed.  The ef­fer­ves­cent Scott Got­tlieb re­signed as FDA com­mis­sion­er ear­li­er this year, de­part­ing of­fi­cial­ly on April 5.

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