No­var­tis, Ver­tex out­line big gene ther­a­py plans — fu­el­ing a glob­al boom

At an old Am­gen fa­cil­i­ty tucked just be­yond the Rock­ies. In a ware­house be­hind a Wal­mart su­per­center in Durham, North Car­oli­na. On a long-time Bris­tol My­ers Squibb site out­side Prince­ton. The tech has emerged, and now the arms race to phys­i­cal­ly build a gen­er­a­tion of gene ther­a­pies has be­gun.

No­var­tis will spend $500 mil­lion scal­ing its gene ther­a­py man­u­fac­tur­ing ef­forts, Reuters re­port­ed to­day. That’ll put it near­ly on par with Pfiz­er, who com­mit­ted $600 mil­lion for its fa­cil­i­ties even be­fore any of its gene ther­a­pies have been ap­proved. To­geth­er, 11 com­pa­nies Reuters sur­veyed will spend $2 bil­lion on gene ther­a­py pro­duc­tion.

Ad­di­tion­al­ly, the Boston Globe re­port­ed to­day that Ver­tex had com­plet­ed its search for a gene ther­a­py re­search and man­u­fac­tur­ing cam­pus in Boston, set­tling on a 256,000 square-foot cen­ter at the Ray­mond Fly­nn Ma­rine In­dus­tri­al Park.

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