The top 10 bio­phar­ma pipeline blowups, set­backs and sna­fus for H2 2019

Every 6 months, as long­time fol­low­ers will know, I like to list the top 10 dis­as­ters in clin­i­cal R&D. And it seems like every new round-ups the ante a lit­tle more on just what qual­i­fies for a top bloop­er of the year.

H2 2019 is cer­tain­ly a stand­out, with a Big Phar­ma da­ta scan­dal, a cou­ple of block­buster M&A busts and a whole run of Alzheimer’s set­backs to con­tem­plate as we watch the Bio­gen saga play out. Not on­ly does the Alzheimer’s field con­tin­ue to crater, but we watched an­tibi­otics come apart in the last 6 months of 2019.

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