Andreas and Thomas Strüngmann (via Agreus Group)

Bil­lion­aire BioN­Tech back­ers have been kick­ing the tires at No­var­tis' big gener­ics arm — re­port

While the ul­ti­mate fate of No­var­tis’ big gener­ics arm San­doz may still be up in the air, there’s no doubt it’s in play as a po­ten­tial buy­out tar­get.

Overnight, Reuters picked up on a re­port out of Ger­many that EQT and the bil­lion­aire Strüng­mann broth­ers — en­joy­ing a huge wind­fall from the overnight suc­cess of BioN­Tech’s mR­NA Covid vac­cine — are kick­ing the tires at San­doz. And No­var­tis CEO Vas Narasimhan con­firmed they’ve seen some M&A in­ter­est, even if no hard of­fers are on the ta­ble.

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