The 2022 End­points 11 is com­ing. Do you know a biotech that should be on the list?

It’s time for some fun.

Over the past 20 years or so, I’ve made it my mis­sion to hunt down some of the most promis­ing pri­vate biotechs in the in­dus­try to fea­ture in an an­nu­al re­port I now call the End­points 11. And we’re back on track for the next big round of awards.

Every now and then I’m asked what the ba­sic cri­te­ria is for in­clu­sion. It’s sim­ple. If you’re out to do big things in drug de­vel­op­ment, break new ground, go to that prover­bial next lev­el with an out­stand­ing team, promis­ing sci­ence and mar­quee back­ers — or promise to make a colos­sal noise if you fail — then you should make the short list.

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