(Credit: Adrien Villez for Endpoints News)

How End­points cov­ers AI, and a chance to hear from two No­bel win­ners

More than a year ago, End­points News made the de­ci­sion that we need­ed a ded­i­cat­ed re­porter cov­er­ing the use of ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence in drug R&D.

Since then, our se­nior cor­re­spon­dent An­drew Dunn has writ­ten dozens of sto­ries dig­ging in­to the tech­nol­o­gy, mon­ey and peo­ple be­hind AI. He’s bro­ken scoops about star­tups, un­packed how new AI mod­els work, and told the sto­ries of the en­tre­pre­neurs build­ing com­pa­nies that — if they get it right — might trans­form how drugs are dis­cov­ered and de­vel­oped.

Last week, the No­bel Prize in Chem­istry went to three re­searchers (whose work we’ve writ­ten about ex­ten­sive­ly) for their ef­forts to de­sign pro­teins and pre­dict their struc­tures — fun­da­men­tal as­pects of un­der­stand­ing how bi­ol­o­gy and drugs work, and how to po­ten­tial­ly cre­ate the treat­ments of the fu­ture. It’s a mo­ment that con­firms AI is here to stay in bio­phar­ma, as Dunn writes.

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In the com­ing weeks, two of those three No­bel win­ners are ap­pear­ing with Dunn on stage at End­points events:

  • David Bak­er of the In­sti­tute for Pro­tein De­sign at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton will join End­points next week as the keynote in­ter­view dur­ing our vir­tu­al AI Day on Oct. 16.
  • Demis Has­s­abis, the CEO of Google Deep­Mind and one of the in­ven­tors of Al­phaFold, will be live with Dunn in Lon­don at the Fi­nan­cial Times Glob­al Phar­ma and Biotech Sum­mit on Nov. 6, which End­points is co-host­ing.

At End­points, we’re com­mit­ted to mak­ing you a part of in-depth con­ver­sa­tions that you can’t hear any­where else. And it builds on the great re­port­ing that Dunn and oth­ers on our team do so well, like our ex­clu­sive re­port ear­li­er this year on the bil­lion-dol­lar start­up co-found­ed by one of those No­bel win­ners, or our End­points 11 awards that high­light three in­trigu­ing new AI star­tups.

We hope to see you at one of our up­com­ing events, ei­ther vir­tu­al­ly for AI Day or in per­son in Lon­don. And you have our promise we’ll con­tin­ue to stay ahead of the most ex­cit­ing tech­nolo­gies in bio­phar­ma.

— Drew Arm­strong, Ex­ec­u­tive Ed­i­tor

P.S. If you’ll be in New York on Oct. 16, we’re hold­ing a net­work­ing hap­py hour to talk about all the news and ideas out of our AI sum­mit. If you’d like to join, re­quest an in­vi­ta­tion.

Director of IT, Security

Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA