In­tra-Cel­lu­lar takes an­oth­er beat­ing af­ter the FDA rais­es a red flag on schiz­o­phre­nia drug safe­ty

In­tra-Cel­lu­lar Ther­a­peu­tics is dig­ging in deep to de­fend the trou­bling late-stage da­ta its re­searchers gath­ered on a lead drug for schiz­o­phre­nia. But now the FDA has raised ques­tions about tox is­sues seen in an an­i­mal study, and the biotech ex­ecs ap­pear to have lost an­oth­er big group of once-faith­ful in­vestors.

The biotech’s share price $IT­CI was al­ready sub­ject­ed to a se­vere beat­ing last fall, when com­pa­ny ex­ecs tried to ex­plain why their sec­ond Phase III study for lu­mate­per­one (ITI-007) flopped bad­ly against a place­bo and an ac­tive con­trol arm. Part of their case cen­tered on the im­proved safe­ty pro­file they tout­ed at the time.

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