The top 5 trends re­shap­ing bio­phar­ma starts with an R&D earth­quake

Ed­i­tor’s note: This is the first col­umn I’ve done be­hind a pay­wall in the last 15 years. But it won’t be the last. Kick­ing this spe­cial in­sid­ers col­umn off for End­points News, I’ll be con­cen­trat­ing on the top 5 trends in bio­phar­ma R&D for the first round. Here’s num­ber 1.

Some­times, new biotech trends tend to sneak up be­hind you and take you by sur­prise. Some­times, they start out by hit­ting you over the head with a base­ball bat.

This is a base­ball bat mo­ment in biotech his­to­ry.

Endpoints News

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