Josh Disbrow, Aytu BioPharma CEO

A Col­orado biotech ends clin­i­cal work to fo­cus on mar­ket­ing AD­HD drug, con­sumer health prod­ucts

A bio­phar­ma that mar­kets an AD­HD med­ica­tion, and sells a port­fo­lio of over-the-counter con­sumer health prod­ucts on Ama­zon and else­where, has de­cid­ed to scrap all work on clin­i­cal-stage as­sets.

The En­gle­wood, CO-based biotech will do away with a glob­al Phase III tri­al that had be­gun just three months ago. The goal was to test en­za­s­tau­rin, or AR101, as a treat­ment for pa­tients with a cer­tain type of Vas­cu­lar Ehlers-Dan­los syn­drome, which can weak­en the aor­ta and oth­er ar­ter­ies.

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