Leanor, a young girl with a rare cancer, talks to Doug the Pug virtually while in the hospital, working on a story and song with his owners.

A fa­mous pug, a girl and an orig­i­nal song head­line Hori­zon’s lat­est rare dis­ease aware­ness cam­paign

Hori­zon is en­list­ing a celebri­ty dog and an as­pir­ing sto­ry­teller for its lat­est rare dis­ease cam­paign. Part­ner­ing with so­cial me­dia star Doug the Pug and a non-prof­it mu­sic pub­lish­er, Hori­zon is help­ing de­but an orig­i­nal song from Leanor, a 7-year-old girl with Ew­ing sar­co­ma.

Leanor and her sis­ter Dot wrote the sto­ry, “The Quest for the Gold­en Pearl,” that Doug the Pug’s own­ers Leslie Mosier and Rob Chi­anel­li – who are al­so Nashville mu­si­cians – turned in­to the song that is pre­mier­ing to­day. Spon­sored through Hori­zon’s #RareIs ef­fort and housed on the “Sing Me a Sto­ry” web­site, lis­ten­ers can do­nate to down­load the song with pro­ceeds go­ing to the Doug the Pug Foun­da­tion which works with fam­i­lies of chil­dren with can­cer and life-threat­en­ing dis­ease. Hori­zon do­nat­ed $35,000 to kick off the pledges.

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