A new num­ber 1 drug? Keytru­da tapped to top the 10 biggest block­busters on the world stage by 2024

An­a­lysts may be fret­ting about Keytru­da’s longterm prospects as a host of ri­val ther­a­pies el­bow their way to the mar­ket. But the folks at Eval­u­ate Phar­ma are con­fi­dent that last year’s $7 bil­lion earn­er is head­ed for glo­ry, tap­ping it to beat out the cur­rent #1 ther­a­py Hu­mi­ra as Ab­b­Vie watch­es that fran­chise swoon over the next 5 years.

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Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA