Anthony Fauci (AP Images)

A press of­fi­cer de­parts An­tho­ny Fau­ci’s NI­AID af­ter his un­mask­ing as a hard-right Covid mis­in­for­ma­tion troll

William Crews had been a pub­lic af­fairs spe­cial­ist at the NIH’s Na­tion­al In­sti­tute of Al­ler­gy and In­fec­tious Dis­eases for the last 13 years.

That end­ed Mon­day morn­ing when he in­formed the agency of his de­ci­sion to re­tire, af­ter he was iden­ti­fied as the man­ag­ing ed­i­tor at Red­State, a promi­nent Trump loy­al­ist web­site.

Crews’ Red­State du­ties are per­formed un­der the alias streiff. While en­joy­ing the ben­e­fits of pseu­do­nymi­ty, he dis­par­aged and worked against NI­AID with in­cen­di­ary rhetoric and spread mis­in­for­ma­tion in the midst of a pan­dem­ic.

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