Franz-Werner Haas (Christoph Schmidt/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images)

A small Swiss biotech tack­les a huge glob­al health is­sue with a hand­off from GSK. But can it make any mon­ey from it?

Dur­ing the glob­al pan­dem­ic, we got a good look at how a new tech­nol­o­gy can trans­form the vac­cines mar­ket and earn bil­lions of dol­lars in wind­fall prof­its from high-in­come coun­tries. But it’s still a tricky mar­ket, with a huge need for vac­cines di­rect­ed at un­der­served com­mu­ni­ties of the world that are of­ten sim­ply ne­glect­ed or spend years on the back burn­er of non-prof­it pro­grams.

Take the Shigel­la bac­te­ria, which can trig­ger lethal cas­es of shigel­losis, spurring di­ar­rhea in cas­es that spread from child to child, adult to adult, and killing around 600,000 peo­ple a year, large­ly in sub-Sa­ha­ran Africa and South Asia.

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