A strong per­for­mance by AMG510 stokes fresh en­thu­si­asm on the fu­ture of Am­gen's land­mark KRAS G12C pro­gram — but shares slide

Dave Reese (Am­gen)

In the run-up to to­day’s an­nounce­ment from Am­gen on the lat­est up­date to come out of their de­vel­op­ment ef­fort on AMGN510, Am­gen R&D chief Dave Reese was well aware of the in­tense an­tic­i­pa­tion build­ing up.

“I’ve nev­er seen this kind of in­ter­est in a Phase I,” he says, and that’s say­ing some­thing for some­one who’s an on­col­o­gist by back­ground.

Reese’s bot­tom line go­ing in­to the pre­sen­ta­tion Sun­day in Barcelona at the World Con­fer­ence on Lung Can­cer: “We re­main in­cred­i­bly en­thu­si­as­tic.”

For good rea­son.

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