A US sen­a­tor calls out a lit­tle biotech for price goug­ing. But will it change any­thing?

A lit­tle known biotech called Strong­bridge Bio­phar­ma has at­tract­ed the at­ten­tion of a promi­nent US sen­a­tor who would like to make the com­pa­ny the lat­est poster child for price goug­ing in the phar­ma world.

Ear­li­er this week the Wash­ing­ton Post pub­lished a re­port which de­tailed how Strong­bridge ob­tained an old and once cheap drug that had nabbed an FDA ap­proval for a rare dis­ease, and jacked a six-fig­ure price for pa­tients. And Mis­souri Sen­a­tor Claire Mc­Caskill says she wants to do some­thing to stop this — and pre­vent oth­ers from fol­low­ing what has be­come a well worn path.

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