Actress and comedian Rebel Wilson helps Abbott raise awareness in its 'Concussion Awareness Now' campaign. (Photo: Abbott)

Ab­bott heads up new ad­vo­ca­cy ef­fort for con­cus­sion aware­ness with spokesper­son, ac­tress Rebel Wil­son

Ab­bott is launch­ing a first-ever coali­tion around con­cus­sions aware­ness with pop­u­lar comedic ac­tress Rebel Wil­son. The new group “Con­cus­sion Aware­ness Now” in­cludes al­most 20 brain in­jury ad­vo­ca­cy groups aim­ing to spur di­ag­no­sis and treat­ment of the com­mon head in­jury.

Wil­son is known as a phys­i­cal co­me­di­an, so it’s prob­a­bly not sur­pris­ing that she got a con­cus­sion while film­ing a movie. What may be sur­pris­ing though is that she got it by slip­ping on the wet grass, not from a risky stunt.

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