Ab­b­Vie ad­vis­es frus­trat­ed pso­ri­a­sis pa­tients to get ‘Re­al Clear’ in new aware­ness cam­paign

Ab­b­Vie’s newest pso­ri­a­sis TV ads show nu­mer­ous, ex­posed skin plaques on peo­ples’ arms, legs and chests to hit home its mes­sage. As one woman in a TV ad says, as she brush­es flakes off her shoul­der from neck plaques: “Enough with good enough.”

The frus­tra­tion with pain, plaques and un­con­trolled symp­toms that re­sult in pa­tients cov­er­ing up or hid­ing out rings through the cur­rent­ly run­ning com­mer­cials and dig­i­tal ads. The voiceover in the 30-sec­ond ad ad­vis­es: “Don’t stay hid­ing or hurt­ing … It’s time to get re­al about pso­ri­a­sis, so your der­ma­tol­o­gist can help you get clear.”

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