Roman Thomas, Disco Pharmaceuticals CEO

Dis­co de­buts with €20M seed round to ad­vance sur­faceome-based plat­form, with sup­port from Ab­b­Vie

Dis­co Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals has ar­rived with €20 mil­lion ($21.9 mil­lion) in its pock­ets and Big Phar­ma back­ing, with the Ger­man com­pa­ny aim­ing to ad­vance its sur­face pro­teomics tech­nol­o­gy to dis­cov­er new on­col­o­gy tar­gets.

The seed round was led by Sofinno­va Part­ners with sup­port from Ab­b­Vie Ven­tures, M Ven­tures and Panakès Part­ners. The pro­ceeds will be used to map can­cer cells us­ing Dis­co’s plat­form fo­cused on sur­faceomes, which refers to all sur­face pro­teins of a cell or or­gan­ism.

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