Ab­b­Vie bails on So­sei Hep­tares pact for nov­el neu­rol­o­gy can­di­dates in blow to dis­cov­ery out­fit's A-list Rolodex

Japan’s So­sei Hep­tares has built a who’s who list of big-name part­ners look­ing to li­cense the com­pa­nies’ dis­cov­ery-stage G pro­tein-cou­pled re­cep­tors for nov­el neu­rol­o­gy path­ways and be­yond. But with So­sei’s goal of sign­ing two to three deals per year, there are bound to be set­backs — the most re­cent cour­tesy of phar­ma gi­ant Ab­b­Vie.

Ab­b­Vie will walk away from a lega­cy Al­ler­gan li­cens­ing pact with So­sei due to “pipeline de­ci­sions” that will leave So­sei’s mus­carinic ag­o­nist can­di­dates for schiz­o­phre­nia, Alzheimer’s and oth­er neu­ro­log­i­cal con­di­tions seek­ing a new home, the com­pa­nies said Tues­day.

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