Richard Gonzalez, AbbVie CEO (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP Images)

Ab­b­Vie CEO Richard Gon­za­lez to re­tire Ju­ly 1 with Hu­mi­ra tran­si­tion un­der­way

Ab­b­Vie CEO Richard Gon­za­lez will hand the CEO post to pres­i­dent and COO Robert Michael on Ju­ly 1 as the Chica­go-area Big Phar­ma pro­gress­es through its tran­si­tion from Hu­mi­ra and di­gests two re­cent­ly-inked ac­qui­si­tions to curb ma­jor rev­enue loss­es from one of the world’s top-sell­ing med­i­cines.

The move comes a few weeks af­ter Gon­za­lez told an­a­lysts and in­vestors that his suc­ces­sor would be an in­ter­nal can­di­date and that he’d get the chair­man post. Ab­b­Vie said Mon­day he will be­come ex­ec­u­tive chair ef­fec­tive Ju­ly 1.

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