Ab­b­Vie con­cedes an­oth­er PhI­II can­cer drug flop as glioblas­toma de­feats lat­est as­sault

One of Ab­b­Vie’s top late-stage can­cer drugs has flopped in a piv­otal tri­al — the lat­est vic­tim to hit bot­tom in the face of glioblas­toma.

The phar­ma gi­ant $AB­BV not­ed Fri­day morn­ing that de­patux­izum­ab mafodotin (or de­patux-m; pre­vi­ous­ly known as ABT-414) has been fail­ing to spark a sur­vival ben­e­fit in EGFR-am­pli­fied cas­es of the com­mon form of brain can­cer in a Phase III study, caus­ing the in­de­pen­dent mon­i­tors to call it off for the an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate.

An­drew Lass­man­This had been one of Ab­b­Vie’s lead­ing late-stage as­sets in on­col­o­gy, along­side the bit­ter­ly dis­ap­point­ing Ro­va-T, which has ex­pe­ri­enced a se­ries of set­backs. Ab­b­Vie has had con­sid­er­able suc­cess in can­cer with its com­mer­cial prod­ucts and has seen ad­vances with its an­ti-in­flam­ma­to­ries as well. But they took on a tough tar­get when they went af­ter glioblas­toma.

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Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA