Ab­b­Vie drops two ear­ly-stage AD­Cs, in­clud­ing Pfiz­er-part­nered on­col­o­gy pro­gram

Ab­b­Vie re­moved two ear­ly-stage an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gates from its pipeline, per a Wednes­day up­date to its pipeline web­page.

The Chica­go-area Big Phar­ma culled AB­BV-011 and the Pfiz­er-part­nered AB­BV-647. Ab­b­Vie and Pfiz­er did not im­me­di­ate­ly re­spond to in­quiries.

AD­Cs have made a splash in the on­col­o­gy R&D field in re­cent years, with As­traZeneca and Dai­ichi Sankyo’s En­her­tu chang­ing the land­scape for HER2 breast can­cer and Pfiz­er will­ing to dole out $43 bil­lion to buy Seagen and its pipeline of can­cer med­i­cines.

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