Jan van de Winkel, Genmab CEO

Fresh off ap­proval, Ab­b­Vie and Gen­mab's CD3xCD20 bis­pe­cif­ic Ep­kin­ly scores in an­oth­er type of blood can­cer

Just over a month af­ter land­ing their first ap­proval for ep­cori­ta­m­ab, now brand­ed as Ep­kin­ly, Gen­mab and Ab­b­Vie have a fresh slate of da­ta to po­ten­tial­ly ex­pand the la­bel.

The two com­pa­nies re­leased topline re­sults from the re­lapsed/re­frac­to­ry fol­lic­u­lar lym­phoma co­hort of the Phase I/II EP­CORE NHL-1 tri­al. Among 128 pa­tients who had gone through at least two pri­or lines of treat­ment be­fore re­ceiv­ing the CD3xCD20 bis­pe­cif­ic Ep­kin­ly, the over­all re­sponse rate was 82%.

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