Ab­b­Vie puts up fight against Orilis­sa gener­ics from San­doz, Te­va and oth­ers

Sev­er­al drug­mak­ers, in­clud­ing San­doz and Te­va, are bank­ing on swift ap­provals for their gener­ic ver­sions of the en­dometrio­sis drug Orilis­sa — but not if Ab­b­Vie can help it.

The phar­ma gi­ant filed suit against the gener­ic com­peti­tors in Delaware fed­er­al court on Thurs­day, as­sert­ing sev­er­al patents, the lat­est of which ex­pire in 2036. Plain­tiffs ar­gued in a 167-page com­plaint that ab­bre­vi­at­ed NDAs sub­mit­ted by the de­fen­dants have caused or will lead to “fore­see­able harm and in­jury” to Ab­b­Vie.

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