Ab­b­Vie scraps an an­ti-tau study, and that may fore­tell more big trou­ble for a be­lea­guered Bio­gen

Ab­b­Vie’s lat­est up­beat read on its Q2 num­bers in­clud­ed a sour note that is like­ly to put an­oth­er one of Bio­gen’s top pipeline projects un­der a cloud.

The phar­ma gi­ant said to­day that they shut down a Phase II tri­al for the an­ti-tau drug AB­BV-8E12 af­ter in­ves­ti­ga­tors de­ter­mined that the da­ta in­di­cat­ed it was use­less to push ahead on a neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive study for pro­gres­sive supranu­clear pal­sy. The drug and the class are al­so be­ing stud­ied in Alzheimer’s, a field that has been blight­ed by near-con­stant fail­ure over the past 20 years.

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