Todd Brady, Aldeyra Therapeutics CEO

Ab­b­Vie seeks Resta­sis fol­low-up with small op­tion fee for Aldeyra’s eye drops, de­spite a po­ten­tial 'im­mi­nen­t' CRL

As Ab­b­Vie’s sales of its dry eye dis­ease drug Resta­sis con­tin­ue to slide fol­low­ing the first gener­ic ap­proval in Feb­ru­ary 2022, the Big Phar­ma is now mak­ing a small bet to po­ten­tial­ly re­gain pos­ture in the space, which Bausch + Lomb is eat­ing in­to with its re­cent pur­chase of No­var­tis’ Xi­idra.

Ab­b­Vie is pay­ing Aldeyra Ther­a­peu­tics $1 mil­lion in ex­change for the op­tion for the co-ex­clu­sive li­cense to de­vel­op, man­u­fac­ture and mar­ket the biotech’s eye drops, known as re­prox­alap, in the US. The Chica­go-area phar­ma gi­ant could al­so nab the ex­clu­sive li­cense out­side the coun­try.

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