Ab­Cellera hopes to restart patent in­fringe­ment law­suits against Berke­ley Lights af­ter US patent of­fice de­nies re­hear­ing

An­ti­body biotech Ab­Cellera de­clared vic­to­ry on Mon­day in a patent fight with bi­ol­o­gy tools com­pa­ny Berke­ley Lights af­ter a US Patent Of­fice ap­peal board de­nied Berke­ley’s re­quest for a re­hear­ing over one of Ab­Cellera’s patents. Now, Ab­cellera hopes to restart a patent law­suit in­fringe­ment case against the com­pa­ny.

The chal­lenged patent cov­ers “mi­croflu­idic de­vices and us­ing such de­vices to cul­ture cells, mon­i­tor a re­sponse, and re­cov­er se­lect­ed cells, an im­por­tant part of Ab­Cellera’s end-to-end mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body de­vel­op­ment en­gine,” ac­cord­ing to Ab­Cellera.

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