Abcuro CEO Alex Martin (L) and CMO Jeff Wilkins

Abcuro reels in $155M to test an­ti­body's po­ten­tial in rare mus­cle dis­ease, set­ting biotech's 2026 BLA plans

Mass­a­chu­setts biotech Abcuro has se­cured $155 mil­lion to take its bi­o­log­ic through a po­ten­tial­ly reg­is­tra­tional tri­al for a rare mus­cle-wast­ing dis­ease and to an an­tic­i­pat­ed reg­u­la­to­ry ap­proval fil­ing in 2026, CEO Alex Mar­tin told End­points News.

Abcuro’s over­sub­scribed fi­nanc­ing will bankroll a 76-week Phase II/III tri­al of the biotech’s mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body in pa­tients with in­clu­sion body myosi­tis, or IBM. The place­bo-con­trolled tri­al, which be­gun in March, will test two dos­es of ABC008 that is de­liv­ered un­der the skin every eight weeks, med­ical chief Jef­frey Wilkins said in an in­ter­view.

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