Shao-Lee Lin, Acelyrin CEO

Ace­lyrin crew be­hind first thy­roid eye dis­ease med­i­cine builds its po­ten­tial com­peti­tor, with ear­ly da­ta to boast

Im­munol­o­gy biotech Ace­lyrin an­nounced Wednes­day morn­ing that its ex­per­i­men­tal thy­roid eye dis­ease treat­ment im­proved symp­toms in a small hand­ful of pa­tients as part of an ear­ly-stage clin­i­cal tri­al.

The drug, though in ear­ly de­vel­op­ment, could one day com­pete with Te­pez­za, which in 2020 be­came the first med­i­cine ap­proved to treat the au­toim­mune eye dis­ease and has grown in­to a bil­lion dol­lar-plus med­i­cine. But un­like Te­pez­za, which is giv­en as an in­fu­sion, Ace­lyrin’s ex­per­i­men­tal an­ti­body lonigutam­ab comes as an in­jec­tion and could make get­ting treat­ment eas­i­er for pa­tients.

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