Sonny Hsiao, Acepodia CEO

Ace­po­dia un­corks a very ear­ly win for its an­ti­body-nat­ur­al killer cell con­ju­gates in HER2 tu­mors

Can the an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate mod­el be ap­plied to an off-the-shelf NK cell ther­a­py? Ace­po­dia un­corked pre­lim­i­nary Phase I da­ta at #ES­MO21 that sug­gest the an­swer may be yes.

Pri­vate biotech Ace­po­dia’s lead “an­ti­body cell con­ju­ga­tion” (ACC) can­di­date ACE1702 was well-tol­er­at­ed in sev­en pa­tients with ad­vanced HER2 tu­mors who re­ceived low­er dos­es of the drug, CEO Son­ny Hsiao an­nounced ear­ly Thurs­day. The pa­tients who re­ceived the first four dose lev­els showed no signs of cy­tokine re­lease syn­drome, neu­ro­tox­i­c­i­ty or graft ver­sus host dis­ease — and one of them achieved a con­firmed par­tial re­sponse; not earth-shat­ter­ing, but a pos­i­tive sign.

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