Adap­ti­m­mune shares boost­ed by new signs of suc­cess with TCR cell ther­a­py

One of the big biotech stock movers Thurs­day was Adap­ti­m­mune, a UK-based biotech that saw its shares gy­rate up about 25% af­ter the com­pa­ny tout­ed fresh ev­i­dence that its TCR cell ther­a­py tech showed ear­ly signs of work­ing in a sec­ond sol­id tu­mor in­di­ca­tion.

In what’s be­come a rou­tine prac­tice in im­muno-on­col­o­gy, Adap­ti­m­mune $ADAP made hay from the first glimpse of da­ta from the first four pa­tients treat­ed with its NY-ESO SPEAR T-cells for myx­oid/round cell li­posar­co­ma, or MR­CLS.

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