Ad­di­tion­al drug­mak­ers flag risks of work­ing with WuXi amid height­ened US scruti­ny

More drug com­pa­nies are dis­clos­ing the po­ten­tial for clin­i­cal tri­al de­lays and drug short­ages if the US gov­ern­ment black­lists a fam­i­ly of WuXi com­pa­nies used across the bio­phar­ma in­dus­try.

The dis­clo­sures come from com­pa­nies large and small, in­clud­ing Mer­ck, Ca­balet­ta Bio and Kyver­na Ther­a­peu­tics. Through se­cu­ri­ties fil­ings, End­points News iden­ti­fied near­ly three dozen com­pa­nies that re­ly on WuXi and have flagged the risk of a crack­down. The tal­ly is more than dou­ble since March 13, when End­points first com­piled a list of po­ten­tial­ly af­fect­ed com­pa­nies.

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