Aer­pio shares tum­ble as lead eye drug trips up in mid-stage di­a­bet­ic retinopa­thy study

Rough­ly two years af­ter rais­ing $40 mil­lion in a pri­vate place­ment, Aer­pio Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals’ lead ex­per­i­men­tal eye drug has hit a road­block af­ter fail­ing a mid-stage study in pa­tients with non-pro­lif­er­a­tive di­a­bet­ic retinopa­thy (NPDR) — the ear­li­est stage of di­a­bet­ic eye dis­ease, which oc­curs when high blood sug­ar lev­els cause dam­age to blood ves­sels in the reti­na.

These blood ves­sels can swell and leak, or close re­strict­ing blood flow and even­tu­al­ly cul­mi­nate in blind­ness. In the 167-pa­tient tri­al, called TIME-2b, pa­tients were giv­en the drug — AKB-9778 —  (once or twice dai­ly) or place­bo (once or twice dai­ly) for 48 weeks. The main goal was to im­prove the the study eye di­a­bet­ic retinopa­thy sever­i­ty score (DRSS) by two or more steps com­pared to the place­bo.

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