Jay Lichter. Avalon

Af­ter plen­ty of due dili­gence, GSK buys one biotech pup in the ‘$500M’ Aval­on lit­ter for its pipeline

About 6 years ago Glax­o­SmithK­line lined up an am­bi­tious dis­cov­ery deal with Jay Lichter at Aval­on Ven­tures in San Diego that was wide­ly her­ald­ed as a $500 mil­lion al­liance — with the phar­ma gi­ant on the hook for the li­on’s share.

Glax­o­SmithK­line agreed to sink about $7 mil­lion in cash and kind in­to each of Lichter’s trans­la­tion­al ven­tures, as Lichter told me at the time, which he would sink an­oth­er $3 mil­lion of his own ven­ture mon­ey in­to. His re­search team would do the heavy lift­ing, with GSK di­rect­ly in­volved for prop­er due dili­gence. And GSK would pick and choose among the lot for the prize biotechs in the lit­ter, buy­ing them out for $9 mil­lion to $12 mil­lion up­front each with around $40 mil­lion in mile­stones tied in.

Fast for­ward to the present.

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