Af­ter a short stay in the biotech world, Di­et­mar Berg­er is back in Big Phar­ma R&D — and he's tak­ing a promi­nent place in Sanofi

Di­et­mar Berg­er’s stretch in biotech R&D turned in­to lit­tle more than a pit stop be­tween promi­nent Big Phar­ma posts.

Sanofi is spread­ing the word that Berg­er, who just bounced from Atara Bio­ther­a­peu­tics, has been named head of glob­al de­vel­op­ment for Sanofi.

The Paris-based Sanofi Tweet­ed the news on Wednes­day. And his LinkedIn ac­count notes that the long­time West Coast play­er is now based in Cam­bridge, MA, where Sanofi has been con­cen­trat­ing its R&D forces.

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