Joe Wiley, Amryt CEO

Af­ter be­ing ush­ered on­to the in­side lane at FDA, reg­u­la­tors hand Am­ryt a CRL for rare dis­ease drug

Am­ryt may have earned a pri­or­i­ty re­view for its drug to treat rare cas­es of epi­der­mol­y­sis bul­losa (EB), but they got hand­ed a CRL for their trou­ble in any case.

The biotech re­port­ed Mon­day morn­ing that the agency is de­mand­ing “ad­di­tion­al con­fir­ma­to­ry ev­i­dence of ef­fec­tive­ness for Oleogel-S10 in EB.” Now the biotech says they will fol­low up with the FDA to de­ter­mine ex­act­ly what that means.

It wouldn’t be too sur­pris­ing, though, if the agency is hold­ing out for a new late-stage tri­al to prove the ther­a­py works as billed, treat­ing pa­tients with a dis­or­der that makes their skin as frag­ile as but­ter­fly wings. The ther­a­py hit on the pri­ma­ry end­point — with 41% of the pa­tients in the drug arm see­ing wound clo­sure in 45 days, com­pared to 28% in the con­trol arm — but missed on a num­ber of key sec­ondary end­points.

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