Af­ter ground­break­ing year for RSV ap­provals, GSK looks to mod­el pe­di­atric suc­cess for adult vac­cines

In vac­cine de­vel­op­ment, 2023 will be re­mem­bered for ma­jor strides in RSV with the first-ever ap­provals and now three dif­fer­ent op­tions. While that’s good news for pub­lic health, ac­tu­al RSV vac­cine up­take among adults is off to a slow start. On­ly about 15% of Amer­i­cans aged 60 and old­er have got­ten RSV shots so far, ac­cord­ing to CDC da­ta.

GSK, one of two drug­mak­ers of adult RSV vac­cines along with Pfiz­er, is tak­ing a pol­i­cy ap­proach fo­cused on lo­cal com­mu­ni­ties. It hopes to mir­ror the same kind of suc­cess­es, like rou­tine sched­ul­ing and wide­spread ac­cess, preva­lent in pe­di­atric care.

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