Justin Klee (L) and Josh Cohen (Amylyx)

Af­ter last mon­th's ad­comm death knell on its ALS drug, Amy­lyx looks to post-hoc for sav­ing grace

Amy­lyx Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals has an up­hill bat­tle to face with its ALS drug can­di­date af­ter FDA ad­vi­sors rec­om­mend­ed against ap­prov­ing it last month. So, as the drug awaits its fate next month, the biotech is look­ing to march for­ward with a new look at the da­ta from the mid-stage study at the heart of its ap­proval re­quest, de­spite sev­er­al ups and downs in the process.

The com­pa­ny post­ed ex­tend­ed da­ta from a Phase II study with a post hoc analy­sis that sug­gest­ed a larg­er sur­vival ben­e­fit for AMX0035, the biotech’s can­di­date for Lou Gehrig’s dis­ease. The re­sults, pub­lished in the jour­nal Mus­cle & Nerve, show that by their cut­off dates in 2020 and 2021, there was a longer me­di­an sur­vival rate and a low­er haz­ard of death with the drug can­di­date than there was with the place­bo.

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