Af­ter the field left her be­hind, a sci­en­tist-turned-in­vestor gets her first R&D job; Nous­com finds new lead­er­ship for its can­cer vac­cines

Be­fore she board­ed the plane, Cristi­na Ghenoiu spent most school day af­ter­noons at Bucharest’s Na­tion­al Mu­se­um of Nat­ur­al His­to­ry, study­ing en­dan­gered an­i­mals Ro­man­ian sci­en­tists had brought back from around the coun­try, or the world. The com­mu­nist gov­ern­ment spon­sored a wide range of pro­grams for kids so both par­ents could work. Her sis­ter danced; Ghenoiu fell in love with bi­ol­o­gy.

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