Lewis Cantley and Sam Bakhoum (John Abbott, Weill Cornell Medicine)

Agios' Lewis Cant­ley re­turns with a new com­pa­ny and, he claims, a ma­jor on­co­log­i­cal dis­cov­ery

Lewis Cant­ley was a bit con­fused when he got an email from a grad­u­ate stu­dent who want­ed to come to his Cor­nell lab and work on a se­mi-ob­scure phe­nom­e­non in cell bi­ol­o­gy: Lag­ging chro­mo­somes.

“I said ‘I don’t know much about lag­ging chro­mo­somes,'” Cant­ley, who be­came fa­mous for dis­cov­er­ing the PI3K path­way and its role in can­cer, told End­points News. 

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