Tim Knotnerus, Agomab CEO

Agomab draws $100M for fi­bro­sis pipeline, adding to drum­beat of nine-fig­ure Se­ries C rounds

Agomab Ther­a­peu­tics has reeled in $100 mil­lion that is set to bankroll the Bel­gian biotech through a Phase II study in a sub­set of Crohn’s dis­ease and Phase 1 tri­als of oth­er in­ves­ti­ga­tion­al treat­ments for fi­brot­ic con­di­tions.

The Se­ries C, which was dis­closed Tues­day, could give Agomab the op­tion to ex­plore an even­tu­al Nas­daq list­ing or the po­ten­tial to part­ner on one or mul­ti­ple drug can­di­dates, CEO Tim Knot­nerus told End­points News. Fi­deli­ty Man­age­ment & Re­search Com­pa­ny led the round, which al­so in­clud­ed EQT Life Sci­ences, Canaan, KKR’s Dawn Bio­phar­ma and ex­ist­ing in­vestors.

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